Saturday, March 18, 2006


I am here. Fear not. Can you really trust me? I am a God of Power, as well as a Man of Love, so human and yet so divine.
Just trust. I cannot, and will not fail you. All is well.
Many are praying for you both.
Listen, listen, I am your Lord. Before me there is none other. Just trust Me in everything. Help is here all the time.
The difficult way is nearly over, but you have learnt in it lessons you could learn in no other way. "the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force."
Wrest from Me, by firm and simple trust and persistent prayer, the treasures of my kingdom.
Such wonderful things are coming to you, Joy-peace-assurance-security-health-happines-laughter.
Claim big, really big things now. Remember, nothing is too big. Satisfy the longing of My heart to give. Blessing, abundant blessing on you both, now and always.Peace.

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